
This bundle provides a simple Workbox integration path. Service Workers are not that easy to write. It can become a nightmare when dealing with mutliple caching rules or offline capabilities.

Workbox takes the pain out of service worker creation by providing a set of tools and best practices that can be used out of the box. It’s like having an expert by your side, guiding you through the complexities of browser caching and service worker logic.

This bundle builds on top of Workbox and includes several options so you don't need to write a line of Javascript to have a fully functional Service Worker.

Workbox provides various caching strategies to make it easy to manage how requests are handled by the service worker. One of the features is the ability to maintain a page cache for certain URLs or routes.

A warm cache refers to pre-loading URLs during the service worker installation phase. This ensures that those URLs are cached and readily available even before they are requested by the user.

The URLs to be pre-loaded are likely the pages that users will definitely navigate to. For example, the main functionality of your application, the pricing page or a page with the latest news that users will definitely read.

When the service worker is installed, Workbox will automatically cache the resources specified in the list. These files will remain cached and will be instantly available to the user, contributing to a swift user experience.

Hereafter the main benefits of Precache:

  • Faster Load Times: Since assets are stored locally, web applications can load faster, providing a better user experience.

  • Offline Support: Precached assets ensure that the application is usable even without a network connection.

  • Consistency: All users receive the same version of files, ensuring a consistent experience.

  • Background Updates: Assets are updated in the background, preventing any interruption to the user experience.

Key Features

  • Precaching: Workbox can precache the assets in your web app and keep them up to date.

  • Runtime Caching: Flexible strategies for handling runtime requests, such as stale-while-revalidate, cache first, and network first.

  • Request Routing: Easily define how different types of requests are handled by your service worker.

  • Background Sync: Integrate background sync to replay failed requests once connectivity is restored.

  • Offline Fallback: allow your service worker to serve a web page, image, or font if there's a routing error for any of the three, for instance if a user is offline and there isn't a cache hit.

Disabling Workbox

Workbox is enabled by default. You can disable it completely if you do not need it.

        enabled: true
        src: "sw.js"
            enabled: false